The company was founded in 1998 by Thomas Gerhardt in Ingelheim. Professional irrigation systems were the main business area, which was also reflected in the founding name “Gerhardt Bewässerungssysteme GmbH”. Over the years, other business areas such as fountain technology, well drilling and garden lighting were added.
After moving to Wiesbaden-Delkenheim in 2010, the company changed its name to “Gerhardt GmbH”. This should take into account the new fields of activity. The installation of irrigation systems in private as well as in public and commercial spaces still plays an important role. Especially in the private sector, our focus today is not only on healthy plants but also the economical use of water as a resource.
We see the garden as a retreat and a place to relax. With our automatic systems, we want to give our customers more free time in the garden, without tedious watering or mowing the lawn. We want our customers to enjoy this free time. Water technology and lighting systems create a pleasant atmosphere in the garden.
In 2015 we took another step with the installation of modern swimming pools to make the private garden the perfect oasis of wellbeing.
projects of any size
Our know-how and many years of experience are particularly in demand for large public and commercial projects. We find a suitable solution for almost every project and master almost every challenge in close cooperation with architects, planners and companies involved in construction.
A small excerpt of projects realized so far:
Neue Mitte, Bad Vilbel
Altana AG, Bad Homburg
Künstlerviertel, Wiesbaden
Lufthansa, Seeheim-Jugenheim
Boehringer Pharma AG, Ingelheim
Gallusanlage, Frankfurt am Main
Liliencarré, Wiesbaden
Schützenhofquelle, Wiesbaden
Platz der Deutschen Einheit, Langen
Rathausplatz, Frankenthal
Kennedyplatz, Darmstadt
Kreisel, Bad Vilbel
Innenhöfe am Klinikum Hanau
ESWE Versorgungs AG, Wiesbaden
Fachhochschule Mainz
Verlagsgruppe Rhein-Main, Mainz
Forum Mittelrhein, Koblenz
Skyline Plaza, Frankfurt am Main
DWG Dienstleistungs- und Wohngebäude, Ingelheim
Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt am Main
Markus-Krankenhaus, Frankfurt am Main
St. Martin Tower, Frankfurt am Main
Merck KGaA, Darmstadt
Daimler Chrysler, Frankfurt am Main
Deutsche Börse, Frankfurt am Main
Allianz, Frankfurt am Main
Niederwalddenkmal, Rüdesheim
Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach am Main
Staatskanzlei, Mainz
Bonoboland Zoo, Frankfurt am Main
Frankfurt School of Finance, Frankfurt am Main
Gerhardt Info Letter
Our information letter appears twice a year and informs our customers about innovations in the company as well as current and completed projects. In each issue, we address a topic that is of interest to our private customers: which plants are best suited for containers, how the garden is livened up by water installations or how easy it is to set effective lighting accents in the garden.
Do you have interest? We send our information letter by post and also make it available for reading on our website. If you would like to receive our information letter in the future, a short note via our contact form is sufficient. Don’t forget to give your address.